I have a 12 year old female Jack Russell who has two acl surgeries about 7 years ago. She was struggling always with soreness and having difficulty even getting on the couch. Thus she only had limited activity and had put on a bit of weight.
After starting Antinol within a week both my husband and I have noticed an amazing improvement in her mobility. She is running around on the beach like a dog like she did years ago.
She came 3rd in the UpDac nationals a few weeks ago in one of the games but if she had of been on Antinol then I certainly believe she would have even improved on that.
I am about to start my 14 year old Jack Russell on it too and hopefully we have the same results with him. I cannot thank this medication enough as other anti inflammatory medications have not made a difference to her. Here is a recent photo of her playing the sport she now loves and can compete in with no debilitating soreness.
Pippa's Human Review