Taking care of your furry friend involves more than just cuddles and treats! To keep your dog looking and feeling their best, regular grooming is essential. But don't worry, it's not as complicated as it might seem.

Brushing your dog:
First, let's talk about brushing. Every pup is unique, so it's important to choose the right brush for your dog's coat type. Short-haired dogs might like a bristle brush, while long-haired breeds might need a slicker brush or wide-toothed comb to keep their fur tangle-free and looking its best. Plus, brushing your dog regularly not only helps to reduce shedding but also ensures their coat stays healthy and shiny. Just be sure to be gentle around sensitive areas like the ears and belly.
Bathing your dog:
Next, let's talk baths! Bathing your dog is important to keep their coat clean and smelling fresh, but it's crucial to use a shampoo that's designed specifically for dogs. Human shampoos can be too harsh and strip their coat of natural oils. Before you start, give your dog a good brush to remove any tangles or mats. Use lukewarm water, and be sure to avoid getting soap in their eyes and ears. Then rinse thoroughly to make sure no shampoo residue is left behind.
It is recommended to only bath your dogs when it's completely necessary. Some reasons may include your dog has a medical condition and has been vet recommended, your dog could of rolled in something dead, muddy or has a very unpleasant smell. Another reason is double-coated dogs. Bathing these guys helps stimulate the release of their undercoats and helps them shed.
Bathing your dog too regularly can cause more damage than good. It can strip away all their natural oils and result in having skin irritations and very dry skin.
Drying your dog:
We always talk about bathing your dog, but did you know that drying your pet is actually more important? The number one way to dry your pet is with a pet dryer. This is the best way and it drys the dogs coat right up to the skin and helps blow out any loose hairs (which means less on the couch). This is especially important for double-coated dogs! If you don't have a pet dryer, sometimes our human hair dryers can do the trick, but always remember to keep the heat setting to its lowest setting! Too hot and you can burn your dogs skin! If you only have a towel to dry them off, please take extra time to make sure you get all their sensitive areas such as between the toes, under the armpits, ears and under flanks.

Nail Trimming:
Now, let's not forget about nails. Long nails can be uncomfortable for dogs and affect their posture and gait. To trim your dog's nails, use a proper nail clipper and be careful not to cut the quick, which can cause pain and discomfort (not too forget it's a bloodbath if you clip the quick). If your dog has clear nails, you can easily see the quick as a pinkish area. For dogs with darker nails, it's best to trim a little bit at a time to avoid cutting too much. It's very important to note, that if you are not comfortable cutting your own dog's nails, please take them to your local vet or groomer to get it done!

Bring in the professionals:
There are some breeds that need to go to see a professional groomer every 6-8 weeks to properly manager their coat health! These include our poodle cross breeds for example. Other times you would see a professional include double-coated dogs during shedding seasons, such as Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies, Malamutes, Golden Retrievers, Pomeranians to Akitas.
Remember, grooming your dog is not only important for their health and well-being, but it can also be a bonding session for both of you. So, give your furry friend some treats and positive reinforcement during grooming sessions to make it a positive and enjoyable experience. With the right tools and techniques, grooming can become a great way to strengthen the relationship between you and your pup.