Once I started using Antinol<sup>®</sup> Rapid I realised I would never stop!

Once I started using Antinol® Rapid I realised I would never stop!

By Antinol Team

Written with love

For about two years prior to Antinol®, Aurora suffered from an occasional lameness in her front right leg. It would flare up, out of the blue, so we would rest for a few days and it would go away and be back to normal. We never knew when it would flare up, but she was quite obviously in pain which was awful, but I didn’t want to continuously have her on anti-inflammatories so would just ride it out with rest.

We trialled other joint care supplements, but it didn’t seem to make any difference to her flare ups. We haven’t had a single flare up since starting on Antinol®, and she seems to have so much more energy and fluid-ness of movement, I now recommend to everyone!

We have recently gotten back into dog sports and also go on lots of hikes/adventures and it’s a relief to know that I don’t have to worry any longer about her pulling up lame after a large training session, or a big adventure day!

Aurora's human review

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